Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Introducing Bizo MyAds

Mass marketing has historically been the purview of the “big guys”— large agencies and huge brands with the budgets to afford glitzy Madison Avenue campaigns across TV, radio, and print.....[read more]

Monday, April 12, 2010

Measurement adjustment

IndustryWeek.com, the Penton Media Web site covering the manufacturing sector, attracted 289,914 unique visitors in February, according to BPA Worldwide-Nielsen figures. According to Compete.com, IndustryWeek.com had significantly fewer unique visitors—45,014.... [read more]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Come Undone

Media buyers always thought they were buying audience, but, in fact, they were buying eyeballs. Now, media executives agree that they really are starting to buy audience in a meaningful way....[read more]